a. Definition
Importance Performance Analysis used to measure
the consumer perception and determine attribute priority in case increasing the
quality of product and services. IPA method also known as quadrant analyzes. IPA method generally applied on various field of
study because of the easiness and the view of results is easy to propose the repair
performance proposal. Attributes or statements the product/service performance measured
by Likert’ scale.
Performance Analysis has the main function displays information related to the
services factors which according to consumer it affects their satisfaction and loyalty, and also factors of service according to the consumer need to be improved because the current conditions are not satisfactory yet.
services factors which according to consumer it affects their satisfaction and loyalty, and also factors of service according to the consumer need to be improved because the current conditions are not satisfactory yet.
Value of average importance
number symbolize as Y point and Value of average performance number symbolize as X point. The point of each attribute
will be plotted in to Cartesian Quadrant which is divided in to 4 quadrants.
b. Each of Cartesian diagram has meaning as follow:
1 Cartesius Quadrant of Important
Performance Analysis
Quadrant 1 (high importance and low performance):
Quadrant contains Satisfaction Indicator that is considered important by
service costumer, but on fact the performance of the indicators is not in
accordance with the expectations of the costumer. The indicators on this quadrant
are the main Indicators which are should be more improved the performance in
order to meet the expectations of costumer and also stakeholders. Repairs
should be done continually to the low performance or less than other indicators,
so that performance will be increase.
Quadrant 2 (high importance and high performance):
The indicators contained in this quadrant contains indicators of satisfaction were considered important by users of services and its performance is considered in accordance with perceived by costumer, so that a level of satisfaction relatively high. Indicators of satisfaction on this quadrant should be maintained because all the indicators of satisfaction makes the products/ services are superior in the eyes of costumer.
Quadrant 3 (low importance and low performance):
This quadrant is also known as a low priority quadrant. This quadrant contains indicators of satisfaction were considered less important by costumer and the fact that the performance of this indicator is not very special. Improvement of the satisfaction performance included in this quadrant can be reconsidered because of its effect on the benefits perceived by stakeholders / users of the service are very small.
Quadrant 4 (low importance and high performance):
indicators contained in this quadrant means that its performance is excessive
while the service is considered less important. This quadrant contains indicators
of satisfaction were considered less important by stakeholders / costumer.
Indicators of included in this quadrant can be reduced so that the working unit
index owner can make savings of resources.
c. Sample
of question
contain indicators of satisfaction were asked how much interest and
satisfaction of each indicator. Size scale used is Likert scale. Where 1 = Very
important / very dissatisfied, 2 = not important / not satisfied, 3 =
indifferent, 4 = Important / dissatisfied, 5 = very important / very satisfied.
d. Calculation
1. Calculate
average of all the indicators perception by costumer with formula:
overall important and performance average to get point of intersection on
Cartesian diagram:
3. Mapping on the Cartesian Diagram
a. Pengertian
Metode Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) digunakan untuk
mengukur hubungan antara persepsi
konsumen dan prioritas peningkatan kualitas produk/jasa. IPA dikenal pula
sebagai quadrant analysis.
Metode analisis ini telah diterima secara umum dan dipergunakan pada berbagai bidang kajian
penelitian karena kemudahan untuk
diterapkan dan tampilan hasil dari analisis yang mudah digunakan
untuk usulan perbaikan kinerja. Atribut
atau pernyataan dari beberapa indikator performa produk dan jasa dihitung
menggunakan Skala Likert.
IPA mempunyai fungsi utama untuk menampilkan
informasi berkaitan dengan faktor-faktor pelayanan yang menurut konsumen produk dan jasa sangat mempengaruhi kepuasan dan loyalitas mereka, dan juga faktor-faktor pelayanan yang menurut konsumen perlu ditingkatkan (improvement)
karena kondisi saat ini belum memuaskan.
rata-rata kepentingan
(importance) pada setiap atribut dilambangkan dengan Y dan rata-rata tingkat
kepuasan (performance) yang dilambangkan dengan X akan diplotkan ke
dalam kuadran Cartesius yang terdiri dari 4 kuadran.
b. Keempat kuadrat Cartesius tersebut memiliki arti sebagai
Kuadran 1 (high importance and
low performance):
Kuadran pertama
memuat indikator kepuasan yang dianggap penting oleh pengguna layanan, tetapi
pada kenyataannya kinerja indikator tersebut belum sesuai dengan harapan para
pengguna layanan. Indikator yang terletak dalam kuadran ini merupakan indikator
utama yang harus lebih ditingkatkan lagi kinerjanya agar dapat memenuhi harapan
pemangku kepentingan/pengguna layanan. Perbaikan perlu dilakukan secara
terus-menerus terhadap indikator yang masih rendah kinerjanya, sehingga
performance akan meningkat.
Kuadran 2 (high importance and
high performance):
yang terdapat pada kuadran ini memuat indikator kepuasan yang dianggap penting
oleh pengguna layanan jasa dan kinerjanya sudah dianggap sesuai dengan yang
dirasakan oleh pengguna layanan, sehingga tingkat kepuasannya relatinf tinggi.
Indikator kepuasan yang berada ada kuadran ini harus tetap dipertahankan karena
semua indikator kepuasan ini menjadikan produk/jasa tersebut unggul dimata
pengguna layanan.
Kuadran 3 (low importance and
low performance):
Kuadran ini
disebut juga sebagai kuadran prioritas rendah. Kuadran ini memuat indikator
kepuasan yang dianggap kurang penting oleh pengguna layanan dan pada
kenyataannya kinerja indikator ini tidaklah terlalu istimewa. Peningkatan kinerja indikator kepuasan pemangku
kepentingan/pengguna layanan yang termasuk dalam kuadran ini dapat
dipertimbangkan kembali
karena pengaruhnya terhadap manfaat yang dirasakan oleh pemangku kepentingan/pengguna layanan sangat kecil.
Kuadran 4 (low importance and
high performance):
c. Contoh Pertanyaan
Pertanyaan berisi
indikator kepuasan yang ditanyakan seberapa besar kepentingan dan kepuasan
masing-masing indikator. Ukuran skala yang digunakan adalah skala likert.
Dimana 1 = Sangat tidak penting/sangat tidak puas, 2 = Tidak
penting/tidak puas, 3 = biasa saja, 4 = Penting/puas, 5 = Sangat
penting/sangat puas.
d. Perhitungan
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